Helping brands
and organizations
be part of what interests people
12 years experienced specialist based in Paris.

Core expertises: B2B marketing, lead generation, branding.

Favourite playgrounds: fintech, institutions, corporate.

Starting from vision and proposition to action and concrete outcomes.

🇫🇷 & 🇬🇧
Ephicient logoOE logo2020INC logoThe Paak logoAriseHealth logo
My name is Renaud Loubert. I am 36 years old and I am living in Paris.

My mottos :
- Everything starts with trust.
- Take position, don't just have a positioning.
- Attention and joy are connected.
- Conversion comes after overcoming indifference.
- Listen more than talk.
- Simplify.

4 pillars at work: efficiency, empathy, integrity and tangible results.

Always happy to discuss new opportunities. Let's do it over a beer. Or a coffee. Or a cup of tea.

My personal blog:


© Renaud Loubert Aledo 2022